Sunday, September 4, 2011


One of my  friends on facebook posted the following:
"The thing about summer is that my kids drop EVERYTHING on the floor.
The thing about summer is that they stay up way late every night.
The thing about summer is that my house is filled with constant noise and my mind feels like it's filled with marbles smashing loudly 'til I can't think.
School can't start fast enough."--Angela Felsted (Facebook post August 20, 2011).
That is me.  My brain is filled with marbles now.  I feel I have absolutely NO time to think and get my bearings.  I go from being completely exhausted trying to remember to do everything I need to so that I can wake up the next morning ready for the new day.  But instead of being ready for a new day I am  
--I wrote this like, 2 weeks ago--didn't even have time to finish it.  I can't think of a better way to illustrate how my life feels during the month of August! 
But I did give the girls haircuts :)
Sarah before

Sarah after

and another view of Sarah's hair in the back

Rachael before
Maire, I didn't get a 'before' picture

Rachael after

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