Sunday, November 4, 2012

Good Questions

The lesson on body image went really well.  But we ran out of time. We had the girls put their own questions on a piece of paper and put it in a basket and then we didn't have time to answer all their questions.  But they were really good questions.  Here are some of them:

  • Is it rude to try to help my sister look cuter even when she doesn't really want any help?
  • How can I tell my friends to dress modestly without being rude to them?
  • Why do women care about how they look these days?
  • Are pierced ears OK?
  • Why do bad hair days bring me down so much and how do I make my hair look okay?
  • Are people always looking at my skin or am I paranoid?
  • How exactly do you find out who you are?
  • I have some friends who talk a lot on people's physical appearance. They often make jokes that are not appropriate. Should I still be friends with them?
  • Self doubt
  • How should I dress modestly if there is a dance at my school?
  • Is it wrong to try to look good?
  • It drives me crazy when people talk bad about other people, but I'm too shy to say anything.
  • Is it also bad to feel both superior and inferior?
  • Does your dress/skirt have to go to your knees
  • My friend wears super short shorts and always asks my why I don't. What should I say?
  • How long exactly should our dresses, shorts and skirts be?
  • What would you do if you have a great friend but she isn't modest at all but she has a beautiful personality?
Don't you love these questions?  They are so HONEST!  They are questions from young women seriously searching to do the right thing.  She is looking for the 'whys' of the standards she has been taught to find out what she will do and what she will become.  You can hear them trying to do what is right, trying to be a good friend, trying to make sense of who they are.  I wish we would have had more time to talk about these questions.  We've got to have a follow up on this stuff... and soon.

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