I know, I know, couldn't I think up a more creative title? But there it is.
The first day of school has come and gone and I think it was successful. whew!
Last night I checked the weather and found out it was going to be rainy and only in the 60s today, so first thing in the morning I had to break the news to the girls that they couldn't wear shorts, capris, or skirts. Of course they all had some cute outfit picked out that did, "NOT go with pants, Mom." But even the clothes downer and the rain didn't dampen the mood. Everyone was so excited.
Maire left next with a short walk to our neighborhood school. She was excited and still seems so small. But she is so ready for Kindergarten. I did not cry---I was too busy thinking about getting back before the next crew left.
Sarah and Rachael left on the bus last. They go to the school with the Advanced Academic Program and their bus comes later. I got back in the house in time to wait at the stop with them. Sarah is starting 5th grade and Rachael is starting 3rd grade. This is the 3rd school that Rachael is going to, so she is nervous about making new friends-again-this year, but Sarah is being a good big sister and promised that Rachael could sit next to her for the first 2 weeks on the bus.
And Erica stayed home with me. She walked Maire to school with me. Well, actually she rode in the stroller and fell asleep. She slept in the stroller and then while I did some errands. I didn't get a lot done today--mostly because Erica was adjusting to the new routine. But it was fun and peaceful at home.
Everyone came home saying their day was great. Well, except for Maire. She was crying. But after a few minutes she kept telling me about her day and she was just fine. I think she is just not used to being gone for so long and wanted to be home. But I asked her if she is going back tomorrow and she said she is.
Day one--DONE!
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